NEWS What’s New

Based on the information provided, we will be sharing the latest updates from Asahi Machine, including new product information, opportunities to experience our products firsthand at exhibitions, and company announcements.

  1. InformationHomepage renewal
    Our homepage has been renewed.
    In this renewal, we have completely revamped the structure and design to make it easier for everyone to find information.
    We have increased the amount of information on our product search and product detail pages, and added new content such as customer case studies.
    We will continue to strive for further enrichment of our content in the future.
    We sincerely appreciate your continued patronage
  2. new productWe have released our automatic sashimi slicer to the public.
    We have added a sashimi slicer that can cut uniformly and cleanly. It features special specifications that allow slicing even with the skin on by adjusting the blade thickness and cutting width.
  3. new productWe have released an automatic hydraulic scale remover.
    We have added an automatic scale remover with double nozzles for removing scales cleanly. It can control water pressure, belt speed, and nozzle swing with an inverter.
  4. InformationOur article has been published in the Minato Newspaper.
    Our article has been published in the Minato Newspaper.
    Our article has been published in the Minato Newspaper.
  5. new productWe have released a vacuum-type internal organ removal machine (medium size).
    We have added a vacuum-type internal organ removal machine that removes fish guts and blood without using water. This helps keep the factory clean.
  6. InformationThe merger of Asahi Fisheries Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
    We are pleased to announce that our manufacturing division, Asahi Fisheries Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd., has merged with our sales division, Asahi Machine Co., Ltd., effective from January 2019.
    As a result of this merger, we will be changing our company name to ""Asahi Machine Co., Ltd."" We appreciate your understanding and continued support.
    We sincerely appreciate your continued patronage and support in the future.

Contact Inquiry

For inquiries about our products, including questions, consultations, quotation requests, demo requests, and parts orders, please use our dedicated 24-hour reception form. For urgent inquiries, we also accept inquiries by phone, so please feel free to contact us.

We also accept inquiries via phone consultation.Reception Hours / Weekdays 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM

078-577-3225Email form

Asahi Machine Co., Ltd.
For fish processing machinery, turn to Asahi Machine, with over 70 years of experience.
Kobe Head office
7-3-1 daikaidori, Hyogo-ku, Kobe-shi, Hyogo , Japan
Akashi Factory
2001 Nishifutami, Futami-cho, Akashi-shi, Hyogo , Japan
© Asahi Machine Co., Ltd.
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