ABOUTUS Company overview

We continuously develop our own original machines for primary processing in the seafood industry, enabling fast and uniform product processing as well as adding high value. Our sales reach not only domestic markets but also overseas seafood processing facilities.

Message Greetings from the representative.

Asahi Machine Co., Ltd. is a seafood processing machinery manufacturer with a history of over 70 years.
For many years, our company has been conducting research and development in fish processing, diligently addressing processing methods under various conditions such as fish condition, size, and species. In recent years, the seafood industry has been facing significant challenges such as the decline in fish consumption among Japanese consumers, difficulties in securing raw materials, and ensuring personnel in seafood processing facilities.
We cherish Japan's fish-eating culture. With outstanding cost performance, we are here to assist in enhancing everyone's operational efficiency.
We propose the complete automation of seafood processing operations with our products. From scaling fish to head cutting, filleting, and vacuum gutting, we suggest creating a system that connects these processes with conveyors or lanes for automation.

President and CEO Hiroyuki Mari

Company About us

Company Name
Asahi Machine Co.,Ltd.
President and CEO
Hiroyuki Mari
Business content
Manufacture and sales of food processing machinery
Purchase and sale of used machinery
Company formation
Establishment of corporation:1961
10 million yen
number of employees
Head office
7-3-1 daikaidori, Hyogo-ku, Kobe-shi, Hyogo , Japan
ZIPcode 652-0803
TEL:078-577-3225 / FAX:078-577-3226
Akashi Factory
2001 Nishifutami, Futami-cho, Akashi-shi, Hyogo, Japan
ZIPcode 674-0094

History History

  1. 1954

    The founder, Shigeru Mari, established Asahi Suisan Kikai Seisakusho in Hyogo-ku, Kobe City, Hyogo Prefecture.
    Recognizing the Japanese penchant for consuming fish, the founder devised a unique machine called the "kasai-ki" (butterfly filleting machine) capable of quickly and efficiently processing large quantities of fish. Prior to this invention, Japan only had machines for processing fish on board ships. As a result, this machine attracted attention from seafood processing facilities nationwide and was widely adopted.
    First-generation machine
    First-generation machine
  2. 1961

    Asahi Suisan Kikai Seisakusho was incorporated as a corporation.
    They sequentially developed and began manufacturing staple products such as the butterfly filleting machine, head cutter, and slicer.
  3. 1962

    They obtained utility model patents for the butterfly filleting machine they independently devised.
    The technique of gripping and conveying fish with a belt was a first in Japan, establishing them as pioneers in seafood processing machinery.
    Utility model obtained for the butterfly filleting machine
    Utility model obtained for the butterfly filleting machine
  4. 1967

    They constructed a factory for Asahi Suisan Kikai Seisakusho in Akashi City, Hyogo Prefecture.
    By owning their own factory, they were able to carry out the manufacturing and assembly of machines meticulously by the hands of technicians. Furthermore, they have continued to upgrade their products over time, striving for quality improvement.
    Initial Akashi Factory
    Initial Akashi Factory
  5. 1972

    Exhibited at the 16th Kobe Trade Design Exhibition.
    Made the inaugural exhibition at the Kobe Trade Design Exhibition in Kobe, which was one of the world's leading trading ports. This led to overseas transactions and reaffirmed the importance of seafood processing machinery as a vital global technology.
    Exhibited at the 16th Kobe Trade Design Exhibition.
    Exhibited at the 16th Kobe Trade Design Exhibition.
  6. 1985

    Shiro Mari has assumed the position of President and CEO as the second-generation representative director.
    Taking over the founder's vision as the first-generation successor, Masato Norio has assumed the position as the second-generation CEO. Despite Japan's slow progress in adopting machinery, the company's order intake remains strong. A record-high sales volume of 350 units per year has been achieved.
  7. 1987

    Expansion of the Akashi factory and a comprehensive renovation have been implemented.
    The factory's premises have been expanded, and new office facilities have been established. Strengthening the infrastructure to enhance production capacity.
    Akashi Factory after expansion and renovation
    Akashi Factory after expansion and renovation
  8. 1989

    The sales department has been spun off into a separate company, establishing Asahi Machinery Corporation.
    To emphasize sales nationwide across Japan, the sales department has been spun off into a separate entity. This restructuring aims to establish a system capable of promptly addressing maintenance needs after the delivery of machinery.
  9. 1995

    The head office building located in Hyogo ku, Kobe City, was destroyed due to the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake.
    Having lost the functionality of the Kobe head office due to the disaster, operations continued by relocating to temporary offices for a while. Fortunately, the Akashi factory was spared from the disaster, allowing operations to continue there.
  10. 1996

    The head office building damaged by the earthquake is being reconstructed.
    The completely destroyed head office building was reconstructed one year later. Despite the ongoing challenging circumstances, the strong sales performance served as a source of relief.
    Head office building before disaster and after reconstruction
    Head office building before disaster and after reconstruction
  11. 2006

    Following the sudden passing of the second-generation representative,Shiro Mari, Hiroyuki Mari assumed the position of third-generation representative director and president.
    Under the new management structure, the company will strive to promptly identify the needs of the fisheries industry and work on product development. Efforts will be made to enhance the lineup to cover all stages of seafood processing.
  12. 2016

    The company will participate in the Seoul International Fisheries & Seafood Expo.
    Due to the increasing demand for overseas transactions in the Asian region, the company decided to participate in the exhibition. The participation proved effective, leading to a steady expansion of overseas sales channels, particularly in South Korea.
    The company will participate in the Seoul International Fisheries & Seafood Expo.
    The company will participate in the Seoul International Fisheries & Seafood Expo.
  13. 2019

    Asahi Machinery Corporation, the sales department, and Asahi Fisheries Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd., the manufacturing department, have merged.
    With the advancement of internal IT implementation leading to improved operational efficiency, the company is now aiming for further streamlining. As part of this initiative, the manufacturing and sales departments have been unified to better align with the current era. The company is now actively investing in product development to enhance its lineup in line with market demands.
  14. 2021

    Congratulations on the 60th anniversary since the establishment of the company!
    We will continue to strive even harder to meet everyone's expectations.
    60th Anniversary of Incorporation
    60th Anniversary of Incorporation

Contact Inquiry

For inquiries about our products, including questions, consultations, quotation requests, demo requests, and parts orders, please use our dedicated 24-hour reception form. For urgent inquiries, we also accept inquiries by phone, so please feel free to contact us.

We also accept inquiries via phone consultation.Reception Hours / Weekdays 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM

078-577-3225Email form

Asahi Machine Co., Ltd.
For fish processing machinery, turn to Asahi Machine, with over 70 years of experience.
Kobe Head office
7-3-1 daikaidori, Hyogo-ku, Kobe-shi, Hyogo , Japan
Akashi Factory
2001 Nishifutami, Futami-cho, Akashi-shi, Hyogo , Japan
© Asahi Machine Co., Ltd.
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